HYDEES instrument room

This room is dedicated to coastal and river hydraulics, a research field shared with the INRS Environmental Hydraulics Laboratory (LHE), which possesses the largest wave flume in North America. The HYDEES room is complementary to the LHE, enabling high-resolution studies on sediment transport hydrodynamic processes. The room’s hydraulic flumes are small enough to fit inside the medical CT scanner and can be equipped to measure waves and/or water depth and water velocity (point, 1D profile, 2D or 3D vector fields) at a high frequency for turbulence or non-linear phenomena. These flumes enable the documentation of complex sediment–hydrodynamic processes and the development of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) codes that are also used by the LHE Lab.

Wave flume

The small wave flume (9 m long, 0.3 x 0.3 m cross-section) is dedicated to coastal hydraulic experiments. The wave generator works in two modes: piston or swing shutter. It can reproduce to scale the same wave conditions as the LHE’s large wave flume (regular or irregular waves, solitary waves or tsunamis).

Current flume

The small current flume (7 m long, 0.3 x 0.3 m cross-section) is dedicated to fluvial hydraulic experiments. It is equipped with an adjustable flow rate pump (up to 45 l/s) producing upstream to downstream flow for steady-state studies. It is possible to study flow around obstacles (bridge piers, sea cobs, for example) or sedimentary erosion.

Reclining, variable section current and wave flume

This new platform is under assembly. It will allow sub- and supercritical, non-uniform and unsteady flow experiments. Fully modular, this flume can produce flow contractions and expansions over a section 0.3 x 0.3 m at one end and 0.15 x 0.3 m at the other. More details to come.

Particle image velocimetry (PIV)

2D and 3D velocity fields are obtained with PIV. Two PIV systems can be combined for 2S2C measurements (1 camera, 2 components), 2D3C measurements (2 cameras in stereo, 3 components) or tomo 3D (4 cameras, 3 components). One of the systems is dedicated to high-speed measurements, from a maximum of 1.4 kHz at high resolution (2560 x 1600 pixels) up to 290 kHz at very low resolution (128 x 4 pixels).

Acoustic velocimetry

Acoustic velocity measurements using the Doppler effect can be made with three Nortek© instruments. Two sensors make point measurements of a small 3D volume, and the third one measures a velocity profile a few centimetres long. This technology is complementary to PIV, notably to measure velocities in high turbidity conditions.

Water level

For water-level measurements, and wave height in particular, acoustic measurements using General Acoustics© sensors can be made at a resolution of 0.18 mm with a sampling rate of up to 100 Hz. For higher sampling rates, intrusive electrical sensors are available.

Echo-Doppler imagery

A GE LOGIQ e R7 medical ultrasound echo sounder equipped with a linear L4-12-RS probe can be used for multibeam bathymetric sounding in shallow water.